Muscle Action VR

Project Details

  • Role: Unity VR Developer

  • Project Type: Professional - Soft Interaction Lab

  • Engine: Unity 2018

  • Platform: HTC Vive

  • Language: C#

  • Plugins: Final IK, Wacki, SteamVR, Shape Driver

  • Accolades: Accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 for the VR/AR exhibition


Muscle Action VR is a virtual reality application that offers users a more embodied experience for learning muscles in human anatomy. The main module, Muscle Tracking Lab, simulates real-time muscle movements based on the user’s actions and bodily movement.

Development COntribution

  • Gameplay Programming - Developed the lesson and tutorial structure. Created a portion of the muscle detection system to determine contraction and relaxation for both lesson completion and visual feedback on muscles.

  • UI Programming - Developed the UI system on the mirror for controlling camera view and visuals on the muscle body, such as showing/hiding sets of muscles in certain lessons.

  • Technical Art Programming - Developed a visual effect system to control tint of mirror, display images on mirror, and show completion feedback for each lesson on the mirror.